Many of the works in the ground floor galleries have been created with a sense of human scale in mind – such as Jonathan Kim’s finely balanced assemblages which sit directly (and vulnerably) on the floor, or Ómra Caoimhe’s intricate knitted structures hung from knotted wool. The deeply personal woven domes of Kim Ah Sam have been suspended at head height, as if waiting for someone to duck under and feel the rim of feathers around their neck.
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University of South Australia - Jonathan Kim selected for prestigious graduate exhibition Hatched5/1/2019 "The School of Art, Architecture and Design is pleased to announced Jonathan Kim's selection for the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts' Hatched National Graduate Exhibition for 2019." a total awards pool worth $85,000 in support, UniSA graduates secured more than $75,000 of the pool, including a residency valued at $25,000 being awarded to Honours graduate Jonathan Kim. Kim received the Helpmann Academy’s British School at Rome Residency. Attending the British School at Rome has been a dream of Kim’s ever since he visited Rome as part of a two-week Study Tour in 2017. “When I visited the British School at Rome at that time, I swore I would go back there two years later as the recipient of the Helpmann Academy,” he says. With this dream now a reality, he will be able to develop and further refine his craft in post-minimalism with a specific studio allocation at the British School at Rome, culminating with in an exhibition in the prestigious ‘Monstra’ exhibition alongside visual artists from around the world. “The residency at Rome is essential for my next phase of research as I investigate the historical and theoretical background of the Arte Povera in the Library of British Schools and experience Italian culture. “I want to seek to present artworks that provide more spatial experiences and to bring out a balance of people's sensory experiences through them.” Kim wants to use this opportunity to give back and make society a better place. “In the future, I will learn what contributions I can make to this society or even the world as an artist, and plan and practice how to give back to society what I get from art. I think it is a moral duty rather than a grand aspiration,” he says. Helpmann Academy CEO Jane MacFarlane says Kim is a well deserving recipient of the residency and is looking forward to seeing the fruits of his residency on his return."Jonathan Kim, University of South Australia Honours graduate, received the Linden New Art Award (valued at $6,620, including $500 cash award). This award is new in 2019 and provides in-kind support, including a 3-week exhibition at Linden New Art in Melbourne, through its Linden Projects Space program.""Jonathan Kim uses familiar materials – paper, wood, steel, and stone – to create structures that reproduce ‘the physical structures that create spatial nature in everyday life’. Accepting this year’s prestigious Helpmann Academy British School in Rome Residency, valued at $25,000, Kim confessed (perhaps jokingly…) that ‘my parents think I’m studying business, not art’. He also won the Linden New Art Award which includes a 3-week exhibition in Melbourne." Helpmann Academy is thrilled to announce that Jonathan Kim, University of South Australia Honours graduate and sculpture artist has been selected as the recipient of the 2019 British School at Rome (BSR) residency, valued at $25,"아울러 올해 우수상(Highly Commended, 상금 $2,000)은 노장의 저력을 느끼게 한 앤드류 놋(Andrew Nott) 작가의 <Untitled Triptych>가 차지했다. 그의 작품은 분명하게 서로 다른 세 개의 화폭이 묘하게 조화를 이루며 추상미술의 공간감각을 잘 표현한 작품이라는 평가를 받았다. 또 올해 신설된 심사위원 격려상(Judges’ Commendation)에는 앤 아로라(Ann Arora)씨의 <Convergence>와 조너던 김(Jonathan Kim)씨의 <Jogakbo I>이 선정됐다. 올해 ‘KAAF Art Prize’ 시상 및 이날부터 시작되는 전시회 개막식에는 KAAF 박덕근 이사장, 이호임 KAAF 회장, 윤상수 주시드니총영사, 심사위원들 및 출품 작가 등 180여명이 참석했다. 올해 공모전에서 최종 결선을 통과한 60개 작품은 2019년 1월25일까지 한국문화원 갤러리에서 전시된다.""올해 대폭 늘어난 우승상금(Winner, 상금 20,000호주달러)의 주인공은 잉크펜을 이용해 호주의 홍수림을 섬세하게 표현한 클레어 토저(Claire Tozer)의 ‘홍수림(Mangroves)’이 차지했다. 작가는 그래픽 아티스트로 작가생활을 시작한 연유로 복잡한 선과 드로잉을 이용하며 주로 호주 자연을 포착한 작품을 그려왔다. 이번 작품은 단순하면서도 섬세한 텍스처와 톤 조절로 풍경의 느낌을 잘 표현했다는 평가를 받았다. 우수상(Highly Commended, 상금 $2,000호주달러)은 노장의 저력을 느끼게 한 앤드류 놋(Andrew Nott)의 ‘무제 세폭화(Untitled Triptych)’가 수상했다. 분명하게 서로 다른 세 개의 화폭이 묘하게 조화를 이루며 추상미술의 공간감을 잘 표현한 작품이라는 평가를 받았다. 또한 올해 신설된 심사위원 격려상(Judges’ Commendation)에는 앤 아로라(Ann Arora)의 ‘컨버젼스(Convergence)’와 조너던 김(Jonathan Kim)의 ‘조각보 I(Jogakbo I)’이 수상의 영광을 안았다." of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korean Culture and Information Service-한호예술재단 미술 공모전12/5/2018 "또한 올해 신설된 심사위원 격려상(Judges’ Commendation)에는 앤 아로라(Ann Arora)의 <컨버젼스(Convergence)>와 조너던 김(Jonathan Kim)의 <조각보 I(Jogakbo I)>이 수상의 영광을 안았다. " |